
What Got You Here

Won’t Get You There

Creating Behavior That Lasts; Becoming the Person You Want to Be

One Day Workshop, 15th February, ‘18 in Mumbai

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is recognized as World’s Top Ranked Executive Coach, the #1 Leadership Thinker, the Top 5 Management Thinker (2015), and one of the top 10 most-Influential Business Thinker in the world.

Marshall Goldsmith is also the writer of best-selling books, “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” and “Triggers” and “MOJO”.

His Singular ability to get results for top leaders has drawn over 150 CEOs and their management teams to address change in the workplace. They want what Dr. Goldsmith offers: practical and proven methods.

His work has been recognized by almost every professional organization in his field. Marshall’s acknowledgments include:

  • Institute for Management Studies – Lifetime Achievement Award (one of only two ever awarded)
  • American Management Association 50 great thinkers and leaders who have influenced the field of management over the past 80 years
  • Business Week – 50 great leaders in America
  • Wall Street Journal – top ten executive educators
  • Forbes – five most-respected executive coaches
  • Leadership Excellence – top five thinkers on leadership
  • Economic Times (India) – top CEO coaches of America
  • Economist (UK) – most credible executive advisors in the new era of business
  • National Academy of Human Resources – Fellow of the Academy (America’s top HR award)
  • Tata Award (India) – 2011 Global HR Excellence
  • Leader to Leader Institute – 2010 Leader of the Future Award

Marshall’s successful approach to executive development and coaching -Stakeholder Centered Coaching, is a highly effective, transparent, structured and time efficient process that works and is used by 2000+ Marshall Goldsmith Certified Coaches spread across 200 Cities in 45 Countries.

Program Content

Segment One

Introduction /overview / goals
Classic challenges that come with success ‘what to stop’ in leadership development & coaching
My greatest learning as an executive coach
Practicing and being ready to use feed forward

Segment Two

A proven model for leadership development
The value of learning to ask for input
Learning to listen without judging
How to respond to feedback
Follow-up – the key to positive, lasting change in behaviour- ‘Leadership Is a Contact Sport’

Segment Three

Why we don’t become the person we want to be
The delusions that hold us back
How Triggers from environment can derail us

Segment Four

When coaching will not work
Coaching for behavioural change
Team building without time wasting
The Wheel of Change
The daily question process

Join Marshall in this one Day Workshop to learn from the Master Coach directly.

Hurry! Book your Seat now!!
First 100 sign-ups will get Marshall’s 2 books personally signed by him!!

Program Details


15th February, 2018




Hotel Sahara Star, Mumbai


To Register/Sign up, call usat 9711000340 or
Write to us at coach@growmorecoach.com

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